速報APP / 醫療 / Firefly Pediatrics "On The Fly" Appts

Firefly Pediatrics "On The Fly" Appts





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:1011 High Ridge Road Stamford, CT 06905

Firefly Pediatrics

Firefly Pediatrics provides Specialized Pediatric Urgent Care. The new Firefly "On The Fly" app , allows you to schedule your child's urgent care appointment instantly. You can literally schedule your child’s appointment “ on the fly “ without making a call! - You can schedule your child’s appointment in real time or in the future - Take the guesswork out of when your child will be seen - Late at night ? Schedule your child’s appointment for the morning right from your phone! - Sleep well knowing your child has an appointment with a Board Certified Pediatrician the next morning

Firefly Pediatrics

Firefly Pediatrics

Firefly Pediatrics

Firefly Pediatrics

Firefly Pediatrics